Archive for May, 2008

Investment Property

Posted in Investment property on May 8, 2008 by integritys

Well, we have finally rounded the corner on the house that we bought a couple of months ago. The last few things to complete are fixing the dropped ceiling in the basement, some minor work on the outside, figuring out why the spa tub isn’t working when plugged into one outlet but is okay with another, and carpeting. The place looks really good if I say so myself, and it has generated a lot of interest among all of the neighbors. We’ve already given a few tours and have received great comments from all. The hope is that we will be able to put it on the market at least in the next couple of weeks before I am in Canada for a few days.

Stay tuned!

Landmark Winner

Posted in Contest Winner on May 8, 2008 by integritys

Congratulations to Matt Peter for correctly identifying the April/May photo displayed at as Niagra Falls. Oh, and if you happen to see Matt, ask him to buy you a cup of coffee!